Sing a Song of Sisterhood 2007-2008 Theme

2007 - 2007 Theme Art
Courtesy of Beta Sigma Phi International & The Beta Journal

Sing a Song of Sisterhood 2007-2008 Theme

Full Theme Art Sheet from International in jpg
Click picture to download & print

Theme Colored Artwork is now on line...A special thank you to Eric and the Torch Department for their assistance and hard work...We thank Dee Stelling-Parker of Frisco, Texas for her photos of special juke boxes taken over the weekend and shared with all of us below... If you would like theme ideas in PDF, click here. Don't forget to visit You Tube and BSP's Video Clip click here. Stop by the Beta Shoppe for the new Theme shirts and items for the year.

Courtesy of Beta Sigma Phi International Help spread the word and share the friendship of Beta Sigma Phi w/ this 5 minute and 11 second mpg video.

To download the entire sheet of clip art, click here or on the thumbnail to the left. WARNING! Depending on your computer, you may not have enough memory allocated to download the entire sheet. Select and download the individual gifs/jpegs instead. The clip art is in GIF or JPEG formats only.

Please don't link to these clip art jpegs on my server. Please download them and put them on your own server. To use these, you must save the image so you can use your own copy. See directions below.

1. All International artwork is enlarged already! If you enlarge it more, you will lose picture (pixel) resolution.
2. Point your mouse over the clip art.
3. Right click the mouse button and select "Save Image as..."
4. Left click on "Save Image as...", then click on OK to save it to your disk.
5. Remember what directory you are saving the image into, so you can find it later.
6. Please do not use a word processing program to view clip art.
7. A graphics program should be used to view, manipulate and save clip art to insert into your word processing program.
8. Check your printer settings before printing clip art (make sure you are not on draft quality).
9. WARNING! Enlarging the clip art in your graphics program, may result in distortion and loss of quality.

Beta Sigma Phi Clip Art colorized
courtesy of Torch Department& Beta Sigma Phi International

cat jukebox1
jukebox2 phonograph

Juke Boxes
courtesy of Dee Stelling-Parker of Frisco, Texas

color_crest.jpg color_crest2.jpg

rose_blue.gif rose_green.gif rose_orange.gif rose_pink.gif rose_purple.gif rose_red.gif rose07.jpg

bsp.jpg bsp2.jpg bsp3.jpg bsp4.jpg

Over 150 Pieces of Additional
Sing a Song of Sisterhood Clip Art
courtesy of Karen M. Ing & The Beta Journal

Berries (jpg) is 125 x 116

Berry1 (jpg) is 125 x 159

Strawerries (jpg) is 300 x 300

Rose (jpg) is 125 x 138

Torch of Color (jpg) is 200 x 200

Theme Circle (jpg) is 300 x 300

Theme Circle (jpg) is 300 x 300

Theme Discs (jpg) is 300 x 300

Keyboard of Colors (jpg) is 497 x 477

Background Theme (jpg) is 200 x 200

Rose Outline (jpg) is 200 x 200

Torch (jpg) is 200 x 200

Roses (jpg) is 125 x 138

Accordion (jpg) is 200 x 200

Accordion 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Cymbols (jpg) is 200 x 200

Men (jpg) is 200 x 200

Theatre (jpg) is 300 x 300

Drum 1 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Drum 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Drum 3 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Drum 4 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Drum 5 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Drums (jpg) is 200 x 200

Gong (jpg) is 200 x 200

Headset (jpg) is 300 x 300

Record (jpg) is 300 x 300

Horn (jpg) is 200 x 200

Keyboard 1 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Mike (jpg) is 200 x 200

Mikes (jpg) is 200 x 200

Speakers 3 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Musical Colors (jpg) is 200 x 200

Music 1 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Organ (jpg) is 200 x 200

Piano 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Sing Song Book (jpg) is 300 x 300

Piano Invert (jpg) is 300 x 300

Record (jpg) is 300 x 300

Song Notes (jpg) is 300 x 300

Notebook (jpg) is 300 x 300

Theme Songsheet (jpg) is 300 x 300

Note 1 (jpg) is 300 x 300

Note 2 (jpg) is 300 x 300

Organ (jpg) is 200 x 200

Piano 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Speakers 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 1 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 3 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 4 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 5 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 6 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 7 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 2 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 3 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 10 (jpg) is 200 x 200

String 11 (jpg) is 200 x 200

Words 1 (jpg) is 312 x 170

Words 2 (jpg) is 434 x 234

Visit Beta Sigma Phi Web Art by Laura Carlisle This is a site containing Beta Sigma Phi web graphics and images to assist sisters in the designing or updating of Beta Sigma Phi websites. There are torches, yellow roses, banners, buttons, BSP greek letters, and more. This site is updated monthly.
Visit Wooble's Place for ideas and help with suggestions for working with this year's theme.
 Copyright © 2007 - 2008 TIKI Services Corporation All Rights Reserved.

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