The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross

Committee Timeline

  1. Committees are appointed by the President & Executive Board.

  2. Survey members of your chapter to learn what ideas they have in regard to social, w/m projects, service, etc. [use Member Interest Survey]

  3. Ideas are given to respective Committee Chairmen.

  4. Committees meet.

  5. At their first meeting, it is suggested that the Committee Chairman review with members of the committee how their committee is supposed to function, its purpose, etc. [refer to May/June issue of THE TORCH]

  6. Review all ideas from Member Interest Survey.

  7. Plan together the year´s activities. Set the dates,
     theme of event (if applicable),
     other important info members should know.

  8. Estimate the cost of each activity & submit a proposed budget to the Executive Board of how much & the committee will need to carry out plans for the sorority year. [This information is necessary for preparing the chapter´s budget.]

  9. Submit plans to Yearbook committee for inclusion in the yearbook. [The yearbook is reviewed on BEGINNING DAY. The chapter approves it then and members know at that time what is planned for the entire sorority year.]

  10. Detail (who will be doing what, when) is/can be decided either before or after a chapter meeting prior to the scheduled event OR committee meetings can be scheduled as needed.

  11. The Committee Chairman is usually the one who gives the committee report during the chapter business meeting. [REMEMBER: REPORT ONLY, BRIEF & TO THE POINT.] And recommendations that need action are presented to the chapter in the form of a motion.

  12. Enjoy yourself! Serving on a committee is an opportunity ... for you to have fun in getting-to-know others, share ideas and learn -- together!


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