- Committees are appointed by the President & Executive Board.
- Survey members of your chapter to learn what ideas they have in regard to social, w/m projects, service, etc. [use Member Interest Survey]
- Ideas are given to respective Committee Chairmen.
- Committees meet.
- At their first meeting, it is suggested that the Committee Chairman review with members of the committee how their committee is supposed to function, its purpose, etc. [refer to May/June issue of THE TORCH]
- Review all ideas from Member Interest Survey.
- Plan together the year´s activities. Set the dates,
theme of event (if applicable),
other important info members should know.
- Estimate the cost of each activity & submit a proposed budget to the Executive Board of how much & the committee will need to carry out plans for the sorority year. [This information is necessary for preparing the chapter´s budget.]
- Submit plans to Yearbook committee for inclusion in the yearbook. [The yearbook is reviewed on BEGINNING DAY. The chapter approves it then and members know at that time what is planned for the entire sorority year.]
- Detail (who will be doing what, when) is/can be decided either before or after a chapter meeting prior to the scheduled event OR committee meetings can be scheduled as needed.
- The Committee Chairman is usually the one who gives the committee report during the chapter business meeting. [REMEMBER: REPORT ONLY, BRIEF & TO THE POINT.] And recommendations that need action are presented to the chapter in the form of a motion.
- Enjoy yourself! Serving on a committee is an opportunity ... for you to have fun in getting-to-know others, share ideas and learn -- together!