The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross

Corresponding Secretary

 Serving as Corresponding Secretary of your Chapter gives you an added opportunity for service in the great Sisterhood of which you are a vital part. You will be depended upon to:

  • give prompt and courteous response to all chapter correspondence
  • keep copies and/or records of all correspondence in a file accessible to the chapter at all times
  • give a report of all correspondence at each regular meeting
You accept a privilege and assume a responsibility.

The symbol of your office is the bottle and quill.

Suggestions to the Corresponding Secretary

 The basic responsibility of the Corresponding Secretary is to handle all general correspondence on behalf of the chapter.

 The following suggestions may answer questions you might have:

 As Corresponding Secretary, you should include your chapter's NAME and NUMBER on every piece of mail sent to the International Office.

 If you do NOT know your chapter's name and number, please write or email your Division Chairman at the
 International Office:
 P.O. Box 8500
 Kansas City, MO 64114-0500

 It is Kansas City, MO.
 Not Kansas
 Not Kan.
 Not Ks.
 Not Miss.
 But - Kansas City, MO.

 The Corresponding Secretary will want to help transferees in the city to locate in a new chapter where they will feel at home. The person in charge of this activity in your chapter will appreciate your help in writing enthusiastic and interesting notes to transferees to maintain their active support of Beta Sigma Phi.

 You should keep an accurate record of all the transferees to whom you have written welcome notes and invitations. If you do not receive a reply in a week or so, write another note or telephone. It is normal for a transferee to be a bit hesitant about contacting you. The friendliness of your contact by letter, by phone, or in person will come back to you in friendly interest from the transferee, and the next transferee you contact may have much to offer your chapter in new ideas and enthusiasm.

 The Corresponding Secretary should understand every status of membership.

 An ACTIVE MEMBER attends meetings regularly, participates in activities, and pays both her chapter dues and International fees promptly.

 A member on LEAVE OF ABSENCE is obligated for the payment of International fees promptly, but is excused from regular attendance at chapter meetings and participation in chapter activities for a temporary period. She is retained on the chapter's roster of active members. Leave of absence may be granted for a period not to exceed one year.

 A MEMBER-AT-LARGE is obligated for the payment of International fees and has the right to enjoy guest privileges whenever invited, but she does not have the right to vote in any chapter. She receives The Torch and all other mailings sent to all members.

 An INACTIVE MEMBER has no chapter privileges and no chapter obligations.

 The Corresponding Secretary should keep copies of all letters written to the International Office, or to other chapters or City Councils, on file with her properties. Copies and/or duplicates are MOST important for chapter records.

 If you have sent a letter or email to International and have not received an answer, please be so kind as to write again because sometimes mail is lost en route. When a letter is lost, naturally International has no way of knowing what information you desired, and it is therefore impossible to give the efficient service your International Office staff wishes to give every chapter. This also applies to any other letters for which you have not received a reply-such as letters to transferees, etc.

NOTE: Please print and keep these suggestions in your chapter's permanent record book.

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