The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross

Ask Maggie . . . . . . . . . .

From the November issue of The Torch, 1985

Dear Maggie,
 Over the years and in different chapters, I have gotten a little confused! Are there any specific qualifications or prerequisites for the Valentine Queen and Woman or Girl of the Year?
 I've heard of a wide variety of "necessary" qualifications from members in chapter meetings, but quite often, these honors are given to the most popular member. In many cases, the same member wins both honors in a single year. How about helping us out by giving some specific suggestions for judging members for each honor? Surely, criteria differs for each.
 Always A Bridesmaid

Dear Always,
 There are no definite required qualifications for your chapter Valentine Queen or Girl or Woman of the Year. Many chapters use a point system to choose their Woman or Girl of the Year. Here is a suggested system:

 1. At a regular chapter meeting, was the member punctual, did she remain through the entire meeting, and did she wear her sorority pin?
(1 point per meeting)............................................................................18
 2. At a chapter Executive Board meeting or a meeting of any committee on which member agreed to serve.
(1 point per meeting)............................................................................10
 3. At a regular City Council meeting, City Council Executive Board meeting, or any meeting of City Council committee on which member served.
(1 point per meeting)............................................................................10
 4. At any CHAPTER ACTIVITY - Rushing parties and other chapter socials, Rituals, service or ways and means projects, First Lady of the Year, or International Night receptions, Founder's Day banquet.
(1 point per meeting)............................................................................15
 5. At any special Beta Sigma Phi CITY WIDE, AREA or STATE meeting, such as Leadership training conference, Convention, Friendship Day.
(25 points per meeting)........................................................................25
 6. At special local civic, service or educational meetings outside of Beta Sigma Phi which member attends as a Beta Sigma Phi representative.
(5 points per meeting)...........................................................................10

 1. For an interesting and informative presentation of an assigned program at a regular meeting. (Originality in manner of presentation and the use of illustrative material and visual aids will help you.)
(20 points each program).....................................................................40
 2. For each contribution to your chapter Librarian's File of current resource materials useful to your chapter's program development. (Newspaper and magazine clippings, pictures, charts, page references in books applicable. Email addresses and WWW references can be included now.)
(5 points each)........................................................................................30
 3. For serving as a committee member (not chairman) all year on any standing committee (either chapter or city council)
(15 points)................................................................................................15
 4. For serving faithfully all year either as an officer or a chairman of a standing committee (either chapter or city council)
(20 points)................................................................................................20
 5. For serving on any special committee for its duration, such as Convention, Training/Refresher Conference, establishment of a Friendly Venture Chapter and other special events of a chapter or city council
(15 points)................................................................................................15
 6. For serving as a Member Advisor to another chapter
(25 points)................................................................................................25
 7. For making prompt payment of chapter dues and International annual fees
(20 points)................................................................................................20
 8. For each member brought into active status in your chapter or into any other chapter such as a pledge or reinstatement of an inactive member.
(10 points each)......................................................................................30

ATTAINMENTS NOT MEASURED BY ANY POINT SYSTEM, but rather by observation and individual judgment:
 1. For the excellent cooperation with all chapter's activities and interests throughout the year.
 2. For any important contribution - either in effort or ideas - to the preparation of the chapter's yearbook.
 3. For an unusual idea that is accepted for any worthy Beta Sigma Phi activity which brings success and added recognition to Beta Sigma Phi.
 4. For clearly presenting a report on the date it was due. (Such report might be by an officer, committee member, city council representative or a representative of Beta Sigma Phi who has made some investigation or attended an outside meeting on which the members expected a report.)
 5. For any special assistance given by a member, not as an officer or committee member, to promote any activity which the chapter has agreed to sponsor or help sponsor. For example, assistance to service, ways and means, civic, charitable, educational activities in or out of Beta Sigma Phi but which Beta Sigma Phis are helping to sponsor.
 6. For participation by using special talents to serve either at a Beta Sigma Phi or some other worthy community activity. By giving of talents, such as speaking, singing or playing an instrument, added recognition comes to Beta Sigma Phi.
 7. Recognition for individual publicity, either by word or deed, helpful to Beta Sigma Phi, both locally and internationally. (Every member by her words or deeds publicizes her organization.)
 8. For individual service, thought, time, effort, to aid special projects sponsored by the International Organization of Beta Sigma Phi, such as entries in contests sponsored by the Torch, support of the International Loan Fund, Endowment Fund or assisting with radio broadcasts or telecasts.
 9. For special kindness and courtesies extended to members outside the chapter, or to local people outside Beta Sigma Phi who are in need of help.
 10. As a pledge, for faithfully fulfilling obligations regularly at Pledge Training meetings and chapter meetings and thus be fully qualified to receive the degree for which she has completed the requirements.
 11. For having exemplified to the best of one's ability the ideals expressed in our dedication to all members: To you, the friendliest, the loveliest-minded, the most socially respected.

Remember, the Woman or Girl of the Year honor is usually meant to recognize the member of the chapter who has given the most time, effort and devotion to the chapter.

The Valentine Queen, on the International level, is chosen for her beauty. Unlike the Girl or Woman of the Year, Valentine Queens in chapters are often elected on the basis of popularity, or the combination of congeniality and charm and the capacity for friendship which endears a member to her sisters.

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