The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross


LOVE LETTERS be used during the study of our Rituals, or anytime!

  1. Use a stencil & cut-out large letters - one each for L, 0, V, E. Use any kind or color of paper.
  2. On the back of each letter, write that letter's message. [refer below]
  3. Glue the lower tip of the L to the top of the 0; glue the left tip of the letter V to the bottom of the 0; glue the top left point of the E to the side of the V. All the letters will be attached.
  4. Or, print the word LOVE in large letters on your computer. Give or send these LOVE LETTERS to your pledges ... & to every member of your chapter! Or, email them the LOVE LETTER MESSAGE.
  5. The sky is the limit on what you can do with these letters. They can even serve as favors for a sorority get-together!
  6. Remember, in the Pledge Ritual we first hear that LOVE is the Fellowship of Beta Sigma Phi and the first great lesson of our Sisterhood! This is very important for each of us to know and remember...


especially for YOU!

L -- Listen to the hearts of others

0 -- Overlook the flaws & faults in favor of looking for
the Good, True & Beautiful in one another

V -- Voice your approval & encouragement often!

E -- Effort make the effort go the extra mile for
and with one another!


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