The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross


Pledge Training Manual - Chapter 3 - Answer Sheet


No right or wrong answer. Have each member state her thoughts. A committee represents the chapter in matters of planning; planning is done more efficiently by a few people than by a whole group. Committee work provides opportunities for the member to pursue her talents, interests, and is an ideal way to get-to-know other members; experiences and knowledge serves as an invaluable tool in other areas of life whereby she can apply skills learned.


SOCIAL - plans calendar of monthly social events extends courtesies to those who have cause to be consoled or congratulated

WAYS/MEANS - plans projects that provide funds for chapter needs and/or activities

SERVICE - finds projects chapter can support with time and effort

PUBLICITY - presents Beta Sigma Phi to the community

PROGRAM - co-ordinates who will give what program when; keeps program materials for future reference and/or resource

MEMBERSHIP - leads chapter in searching for and inviting new members into the chapter


INVESTIGATES: surveys chapter members for ideas of activities they are interested in; finds out what facilities are available

PLANS: In committee meeting, TENTATIVE plans are drawn up for chapter's socials, i.e., type of activity, date, place. THESE PLANS ARE NOT DETAILED UNTIL APPROVED BY THE CHAPTER. [A year's calendar may be tentatively planned during the summer and is approved by the chapter on Beginning Day. Short committee meetings can be held prior to the events scheduled to workout the DETAIL.]

REPORTS: On Beginning Day, each committee chairman reviews with the chapter members the year's TENTATIVELY planned activities, always being open to constructive suggestions. DETAILS OF EACH ACTIVITY are to be given prior to the up-coming event. This is done during the business meeting when the President asks for the committee report. If the chapter, on Beginning Day, approves the scheduled activities, the committee then meets in advance of each event to plan the details (who will be doing what, etc.)
... Refer to planning sheet attached. Note that it can be applied to any committee.

ACTS: The committee meets and decides who on the committee will do what (refer to attached planning sheet). Sharing the responsibilities of the activity and asking for help from other members if needed, really helps committee members and all chapter members enjoy the activity MORE. No one person is `stuck' having to do everything. It becomes a team effort ... and that is as it should be!




True. Having all members at a chapter meeting enter into discussion of details is usually considered wasted time and effort and frequently results in nobody knowing what has actually been decided. If members wish to have some part of the committee's suggested plan changed, they should give their suggestions briefly. If the rest of the chapter agrees, the committee will look into the suggestion and report back.


Soon after they have been appointed.
Committees meet during the summer (usually 1 meeting is sufficient informally) to plan chapter activities for the year TENTATIVELY. These activities are included in he chapter yearbook and are reviewed and approved on Beginning Day. AND...

On call of the Committee Chairman.


  • Fun way of getting-to-know others
  • Share and develop your own ideas and help others do the same
  • Learn organization skills, gain understanding and appreciation of how and why effective committee work is so important; how to plan,
  • investigate, report, act
  • Reach a goal with the help of your sisters
  • Achievement, success, enjoyment
  • More knowledge of your subject


Yes    and    Yes


Lack of effective planning and participation will result in decreased membership enjoyment.
DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN! Remember, you are a Beta Sigma Phi and you owe it to yourself and your chapter sisters TO GIVE THE BEST THAT IS IN YOU! Also, if committees do NOT meet, chapter goals cannot be realized.


The President and more directly, the committee chairman of the respective committee. She calls the meeting.


Please keep and refer often to your May/June issue of THE TORCH. Keep it with your chapter yearbook for quick and easy reference. It is the Officers Handbook and contains much helpful and useful information in regard to officer and committee responsibilities. Having it handy will save time!

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