Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross |
Your Secret Sister |
I don´t know just what the words "secret sister" may mean to you, but to me it means that to one member in all the world of Beta Sigma Phi I must carry the message of our sisterhood in its fullest and most beautiful significance. My service to her must represent the companionable and helpful thought of thousands of unseen sisters wherever Beta Sigma Phi is in existence. My thought of her, my letters to her, my awareness of her, must represent the best that is in my life, since it must represent to her the best that is in our sorority. Through the channel of my friendship with her, the secret and unnamed channel, I must work out the intention of Scripture, "Do not your alms before men," and "Let not your right hand know what your left hand doeth." I must work silently, yet none the less effectively. All the more blessed is the effort, because it shall not be acknowledged, perhaps, when given -- yet it is given freely. So this year, I ask you to take this secret sister business seriously, each taking her sister as a special charge in her daily living. Send her a loving thought every day; remember her as well as yourself in your prayers; try to know her better, to understand her better. If at any time she be in need or in sorrow, bear that sorrow as if it were your own. Be glad with her, over her good fortune. Make of yourself a channel for good, knowing that the Eternal Father, the Shepherd of the sheep, will surprise you with impulses and inspirations. In this way we will be putting this program of friendship where it rightly belongs, not in the merchandise marts where the idea of expensive gift giving may keep you from giving real service to your sister, but in the HEARTS and lives of every one of us where the rich spiritual gifts are to be had for the taking. |