Mrs. Ross and I are often walking in the street together when in passing I will speak to a charming young woman. My wife invariably asks me, "Do you know her?"
Usually I reply that I do not know her name, because I cannot remember the names of all the 1600 Beta Sigma Phis in the Kansas City area.
"But," she says, "suppose she is not a Beta Sigma Phi."
My answer is always, "If she is not, she should be. She is really a Beta Sigma Phi whom we have not found yet."
Somehow or other I can recognize a Beta Sigma Phi any time, any place. I tried this theory this past summer when we were visiting the chapters in the British Isles and on the Continent; and while I did not feel so free to speak to everyone, I could see many Beta Sigma Phis unpledged in these great countries.
When we arrived in London and were going up in an elevator, a charming voice behind me said, "How do you do, Mr. Ross. What are you doing here?" She was a Beta Sigma Phi from Canada, with whom we had a pleasant visit. Here was, for me, a delightful example of reversal.
You will find it an engaging experience as you look around your offices, your neighborhoods, as you travel, as you hurry along on an errand, to see how many women you pass are our Beta Sigma Phi ideal. Try it.
Then there is the question, "Do we need more members? Our chapter is rather full."
This is really a quite relative matter. Recently I visited a chapter of five members and they were very hesitant to rush because they enjoyed each other so much, and they were doubtful that such an exquisite state of affairs could be extended. There was another chapter of 35 which was rushing, even though a good-sized room was required for the meetings.
In any event, it seems to me that every chapter should rush at least one new member in both spring and fall. Certainly you are on the giving hand when you rush; true aristocracy always is. But we are all on the receiving end equally as much when we rush. We give ourselves the privilege of recognizing a Beta Sigma Phi and enjoying the effects of her personality, effort, and intelligence for many years.
Where would you find a greater prize to add to your own life? What more could you possibly do to add to the strength and quality of your chapter?
Join me in recognizing a Beta Sigma Phi! |