The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross

A Reminder


I see you at the meetings,
But you never say hello;
You're busy all the time you're there,
With those you already know.
I sit amongst the people
And yet I'm a lonesome one,
The new ones are as strange as I,
But old members pass me by.
But you folks asked us in
And you talked of fellowship.
I'll be at your next meeting
Perhaps a nicer time to spend.
Do you think you could introduce yourself?
I want to be a friend.


I see you at the meetings,
And you always say hello'
You're not too busy - ever -
To let your friendship show.
I sit amongst new friends
And never feel alone.
Your warmth and honest interest
Have made me feel at home.
It was lovely to be invited
To join Beta Sigma Phi.
Your every thought and deed
Have made me want to try
To be a better person,
To learn, to love, to be -
The kind of friend to others
That you have been to me.

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