The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross

Rushing Review

#1. Set your rushing goal
  1. How many new members does your chapter NEED?
     (Are there enough members to carryout all chapter activities without burdening some or a few?)

  2. Determine the number of pledges you want
     (Consider your present chapter membership strength,
     Members on Leave of Absence, Members-at-large, transferees)

#2. Plan and Organize
  1. Gather names
    Use PenPoint Prospective Member Sheet
     Don't make decisions for others!
     You won't know until you ask!
     Don't be afraid to invite someone you don't know all that well!

  2. Set dates
     Deadlines for obtaining names from chapter members
     Deadlines for completing party preparations
     For your Rush Party
     For your Model Meeting (if applicable)
     For the Pledge Ritual (make this very special!)

  3. Plan the Rush Party
     Where it will be
     Invitations - easy, clever
     Would you want to attend this party if you received it?
     Note on the invitation that you will be in touch with her to arrange transportation; sign the invitation, perhaps include the name of the person who referred her.

  4. Presentation of Beta Sigma Phi
     Who will give it?
     How? (The Int'l Office Membership Dept. has ideas! Use your imagination, incorporate the Int'l theme, make it informative, interesting, have fun with it! Include ALL chapter members or perhaps one or several others would like to present it together.)

  5. Refreshments
     Have one of your chapter members coordinate this
     Keep it simple!

  6. Name Tags
     Use theme of your party

  7. Brochures/pamphlets
     Make sure you have plenty for each prospective member

  8. Follow-up
     Who will be calling the guests after the invitations have been sent?
     Who will arrange transportation to and from meetings?
     Who will pick her up, what time?

  9. Display table
     Attractively arranged - to include:
     Chapter yearbook
     Jewelry (badges, achievement bands)
     Yellow roses
     Favors - a little something special for them to take home with the brochures

#3. Rush Party
  1. Attitude

  2. Enthusiasm!

  3. Refer to step #1

  4. Smile, be friendly, have fun, enjoy yourself. Your guests will be attracted to what they see. Remember, YOU are your chapter's best publicity!

  5. If all is well planned, organized (refer to step #2), your rush party will go smoothly and you will enjoy great success.

#4. Model Meeting
  1. Arrange transportation - or at least offer

  2. President and Vice President coordinate this meeting very well! Include:
     Brief business meeting
     Officer and Committee Chairmen describe their duties
     Have an interesting program!
     Serve simple refreshments
     Wear nametags

#5. Invitation to Membership
  1. You ask them pointedly, sincerely

  2. YOU take the initiative. If you ASK for results, you'll get them!

  3. Explain fees carefully

  4. Excuses indicate interest - she wants to be coaxed which brings reassurance.

  5. Give date of Pledge Ritual

  6. Suggestions on how to issue the invitation:
     "Please join us!"
     "We would really like for you to join us in (name of your chapter)"
     "We invite you to join our Golden Circle of Friendship."

  7. Always be gracious - don't be pushy!

#6. Pledge Ritual
  1. President should study, read aloud, rehearse the Pledge Ritual

  2. President and Vice President should review Pledge Ritual together

  3. Explain to Pledges what to wear to a Pledge Ritual

  4. Plan a special, all-out, memorable event for these new Sisters!

  5. Name tags

  6. Coordinate the entire event from Ritual Supplies to Refreshments

  7. Enjoy your new Sorority Sisters!

#7. Congratulations! You did it!!!

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