The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross


MEMBER 1. Rises, addresses the chair: "Madam President."
2. President recognizes member.
3. Member states motion, "Madam President, I move that . . . "
4. Another member seconds the motion. She does this while seated and no recognition from the chair is needed.
NOTE: If there is no second, this means that only one member (the maker of the motion) is interested in the subject. The motion stops there.



President states the motion:
"It has been moved and seconded that . . . ."
6. President opens the floor for discussion:
"Is there any discussion?"
7. President takes vote when all who wish to speak have done so and she restates the motion. If there has been no discussion then the first part of this is omitted and the President states: "The motion is that . . ."
8. President asks for vote.
 "All in favor say 'aye'."
 "Those opposed say 'no'."
Note: Do not forget to ask for those opposed, even though the vote was obviously passed.

.President announces the result of the vote.
If it passed she states:
 "The ayes have it and the motion is carried."
If it fails to pass, she states:
 "The noes have it and the motion is lost."
NOTE: A tie vote is a lost motion.

  • The President votes only once on a question and then by:
    1. Secret ballot -- or
    2. Roll call and her name is called last -- or
    3. To make or break a tie.

  • If there is a topic for discussion needing the true expression of the feelings of the members, it is wise to take the vote by secret ballot.

  • Elections should be by secret ballot vote.

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