The Strawberry Patch

Enrichment and Inspiration for Beta Sigma Phi Sisters from Marilyn Ross

by Marilyn Ross
Written for my Sisters in Kansas Preceptor Delta Delta Chapter - Johnson County Beta Sigma Phi

Come Weave A Web of Friendship
Along side with me,
A Web of Beauty, Love and Truth
For all the world to see!

Within the Web that we shall weave
'Connecting Points' we'll be
We'll share our hearts, lend our hands,
Extend our support with sincerity.

A Yellow Rose, a Torch held high
Traditions . . . . and Strawberries,
Rituals, programs, a Secret Sis
Woven memories in treasured tapestry.

Inside our Golden Circle
A Web of Love will grow
With threads of Life, and Learning too,
Enhanced with jewels that glow.

Because a Friend said, "Come with me,"
A journey we did start . . .
A journey meant to Weave A Web ---
A Web of Friendship, deep within our hearts.

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