Rekindle the Torch of Friendship 2008-2009 Theme

2008 - 2009 Theme Art
Courtesy of Beta Sigma Phi International & The Beta Journal

Full Theme Art Sheet from International in jpg
Click picture to download & print. Torilla
Meet Torilla Torcher and her personal friend, Rekindle Ruthie. Scroll Down to View Them Both!

Dana Furlong Artwork Added (07/14/2008)...Theme Colored Artwork is now on line...A special thank you to Eric and the Torch Department for their assistance and hard work... A Special thanks to Gail McAda of Texas Laureate Eta Omicron for allowing me to use the photos of the 2001 Olympic Torch Relay... If you would like theme ideas in PDF, click here.

Courtesy of Beta Sigma Phi International Help spread the word and share the friendship of Beta Sigma Phi w/ this 5 minute and 11 second mpg video.

To download the entire sheet of clip art, click here or on the thumbnail to the left. The clip art is in GIF or JPEG formats, only. Scroll down to obtain the individual pieces already enlarged. These can be reduced in your graphics program on your computer.

Please don't link to these clip art jpegs on my server. Please download them and put them on your own server. To use these, you must save the image so you can use your own copy. See directions below.

1. All International artwork is enlarged already! If you enlarge it more, you will lose picture (pixel) resolution.
2. Point your mouse over the clip art.
3. Right click the mouse button and select "Save Image as..."
4. Left click on "Save Image as...", then click on OK to save it to your disk.
5. Remember what directory you are saving the image into, so you can find it later.
6. Please do not use a word processing program to view clip art.
7. A graphics program should be used to view, manipulate and save clip art to insert into your word processing program.
8. Check your printer settings before printing clip art (make sure you are not on draft quality).
9. WARNING! Enlarging the clip art in your graphics program, may result in distortion and loss of quality.

Beta Sigma Phi Clip Art colorized
courtesy of Torch Department& Beta Sigma Phi International









Torch Relay Photos
courtesy of Gail McAda, Richardson, Texas

color_crest.jpg color_crest2.jpg

rose_blue.gif rose_green.gif rose_orange.gif rose_pink.gif rose_purple.gif rose_red.gif

bsp.jpg bsp2.jpg bsp3.jpg bsp4.jpg

Many New Pieces of Additional
Rekindle the Torch of Friendship Clip Art Added and Still Coming
courtesy of Karen M. Ing & The Beta Journal

Torilla Torcher (jpg) is 257 x 511

Torilla Torcher 2 (jpg) is 257 x 511

Rekindle Ruthie 2 (jpg) is 350 x 350

Rekindle Ruthie 3 (jpg) is 350 x 350

Abstract Flame (jpg) is 228 x 320

Holder Flame (jpg) is 200 x 200

Shadow Theme 1 (jpg) is 205 x 473

Theme Gold Trim (jpg) is 259 x 478

Theme Black Trim (jpg) is 259 x 478

Theme Silver Trim (jpg) is 259 x 478

Theme Seal Fire (jpg) is 275 x 496

Theme Seal Lights (gif) is 259 x 478

Shadow Art Purple (jpg) is 259 x 478

Shadow Art Orange (jpg) is 296 x 478

Blue Flame (jpg) is 350 x 350

Green Flame (jpg) is 350 x 350

Red Flame (jpg) is 350 x 350

Purple Flame (jpg) is 350 x 350

Yellow Flame (jpg) is 350 x 350

Orange Flame (jpg) is 350 x 350

Firewood (jpg) is 200 x 200

Francis Flame (jpg) is 200 x 200

Torch Scroll (jpg) is 200 x 350

World (jpg) is 350 x 350

Rekindle Torch 1 (Orange) (jpg) is 612 x 792

Rekindle Torch 3 (Yellow) (jpg) is 612 x 792

Rekindle Torch 4 (Blue) (jpg) is 612 x 792

Rekindle Torch 5 (Green) (jpg) is 612 x 792

Rekindle Torch 6 (Purple) (jpg) is 612 x 792

Theme Art Leather (jpg) is 519 x 956

Theme Seal Yellow and Outline (jpg) is 519 x 956

Words Flame (jpg) is 335 x 197

Fire Words (jpg) is 396 x 196

Rekindle the Torch of Friendship Clip Art Added
courtesy of Dana Furlong

Gold Torch (jpg) is 195 x 365

Flames (jpg) is 153 x 433

Words Flame (jpg) is 335 x 197

More Art is Coming During the Month of May. Please return often to pick up more pieces or ideas! Visit Wooble's Place for ideas and help with suggestions for working with this year's theme.
 Copyright © 2008 - 2009 TIKI Services Corporation All Rights Reserved.

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